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 General Elektriks - Cliquety kliqk - Facing that void

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2 participants

Nombre de messages : 165
Age : 82
Date d'inscription : 13/06/2006

General Elektriks - Cliquety kliqk - Facing that void Empty
MessageSujet: General Elektriks - Cliquety kliqk - Facing that void   General Elektriks - Cliquety kliqk - Facing that void EmptyMer 30 Aoû - 22:56

Ben, avec gridule , nous avons entendu cela à la radio et c'est super sympa. Tellement que l'on a essayé d'en savoir plus et on a découvert que ce gars est un Francais.
Cette musique est un hip hop un peu à la eminem, bien evidemment en anglais et pas tres connu (pour l'instant).
On a tellement aimé que l'on a cherché les paroles: impossible de les trouver! Alors on a essayé de décortiquer les paroles ensemble. On met cela ici, en espérant que ca puisse être utile pour quelqu'un ou encore (nec plus ultra) que quelqu'un puisse la compléter!
Interprète GENERAL ELECTRICS (en fait c'est General Elektriks !)
Année 2003
Genre Pop/Rock

problems of addiction
for some can be different
different people
but for "jarlean"
I will bring down like this

since daughter well she was a lonely kid
for five six when she knows ...
that looked surprised in her mama's eyes
she'd just smiled... with...
and the way ...madness
right after the stop all the wildness
and the crazy ship that jumped off the issues that jumped...jarlean...

and the way she allways ...beside me
to herself in love...
even after the doctor's ... stack... cause it was robbing her soul and she was diving
was she cursed them all in their holiness
...called prozac was...this...
she was laying in the bed smoking ... head... girl's ...this little ball of loneliness

even trying to pick something new to get
something this a little less of a (s)truck division
when she felt the seed that need the money
guy greed that she gave in the ...
...that she loved flourishes...
and the people around who encouraged it
so what the heck another one to the neck we got more depressed loosing control of it

facing that void
you know I mean
facing that void
like this
"cinq cent quatre vingt seizieme etage"

Linked to such a brand ... out of control
Fix it was work for the money and go
and expect for her problems with a single...
... she would never be old
the....just make a few calls
wasn't enough now , what she needed was more
it is been a long time since she gotten so close
and the dream of the...that's gotten the show
and the eyes on the sack that's gotten the ball
all the...are gone just being in a bam

and she talked about the same as marilyn monroe
and giving time break shaking the joint
strange storie's about are beginning to be told
for I wish she would do and she wanted to know
even the French say she's...love
lost her job ... and lost her home

Last time that I seen it she was all alone
So high that I thought she was hiding from
she was having some weird strange...
then laughed at the joke that was ...
I had to walk away because a girl alone
cause I knew her type that same time...
...hope ...she's looking forward...building...bloody for her mind is gone

facing that void "
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big boss
big boss

Nombre de messages : 607
Age : 52
Date d'inscription : 12/06/2006

General Elektriks - Cliquety kliqk - Facing that void Empty
MessageSujet: Re: General Elektriks - Cliquety kliqk - Facing that void   General Elektriks - Cliquety kliqk - Facing that void EmptyJeu 31 Aoû - 17:25

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